Horses: who could'nt like 'em? just catch 'em, brush 'em, tack 'em up, and ride 'em. But horses
take more work than that! You will always need a riding hat, and saddle and bridle and brushes
too. But its the money that should worry you! It will cost a lot to by the tack, and a crop
to give a whack. But the horse itself will cost the most, your time, your money even toast! (bread)
But the horse will pay it back its own way, By letting you ride it each day. If you look after
your horse lo behold, they will give you much more enjoyment than gold. Doggo.


If you have a horse picture thats cuter than mine E-mail me and I will get my friend to judge whos

I have some lovely pictures of horses. Foals; Colts and Fillys, Mares Geldings, jumping, ect. ect.
If you want to see one you have to play a game. I will give you a picture to find on the page. If you
find it, click on it and you will be taken to a page where there is 4 buttons. Pick 1 button and you
will see a horse. But only pick 1 or I will ban you from my webpages.
