
Music Playing: I want it that way: Backstreet Boys

I don't have many links but if you have a site, ( I'de rather Petz sites but any will do) that you
think will pass my inspection, mail the URL to me and I will visit it, and judge it, putting it on my
DOGGO'S Top Ten list.

Come on anyone that hasn't been to the official Petz site is nuts!!!!! Come on click on the Dalmation
and go there. If you love downloading, adopting, need help, babysitters, this place has it all!

If you want to put your site in DOGGOS TOP TEN write your name and e-mail and URL for your homepage
and I will judge it.

Send in your banners to be put on Doggo's Top Ten. Don't worry if you don't have banners, just send
in the name and url of your site along with some stuff about your site and I'll will make a border and
make it look attractive
